Celebrate Stillfleet's first anniversary at VOID-CON 2021
NYC nerd family: do you like sci-fi RPGs? Have you heard of the innovative new system Stillfleet? Perhaps on the amazing podcast Fun City? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you are diegetically obligated to appear at Gamestoria on August 7 for the inaugural VOID-CON—the first-ever live Stillfleet meet-up!
Join us starting at 4 PM for a chance to meet the game design team, a panel on GMing sci-fi stories with Fun City's Mike Rugnetta, and a very special multi-GM mini-venture. You don't need any previous knowledge of the game to play! The rules are simple, and the cosmos is infinite.
Register for a spot at VOID-CON today!
Note: Proof of vaccination (card or Excelsior Pass) and masks are required!
For more about the game, head to stillfleet.com.